Welcome to Lumberock® Marine Grade Decking
Over the last two decades, plastic composite lumber materials have become the standard alternative to traditional decking materials. Nevertheless, there are drawbacks to most brand-name composite boards that have made consumers wary of their effectiveness and long-term cost efficiency.
Lumberock was developed in an effort to address these concerns and truly live up to consumers’ expectations of a synthetic lumber. Our goal was to create a composite deck board that really does last a lifetime with no maintenance beyond an annual cleaning. Through careful consideration of our customers’ needs, we understood that we needed to make a deck-board that was strong, durable and easy to install without compromising aesthetics. We also understood that we needed to create a product honorable of its lifetime warranty.
Formed in 2000 and located northwest of Chicago, Illinois, Lumberock specializes in synthetic, composite lumber fabrication and product development.
We value honesty, integrity and service.
Thank you for your continued support of our product.

- A standard alternative to traditional wood materials
- LEED’s credits for green building construction
- Benefits beyond composite, PVC & wood
Lumberock® and Bearboard® are produced by Engineered Plastic Systems LLC in Elgin Illinois.

Lumberock is a CMI Company. CMI is the leading manufacturer and fabricator of engineered products providing solutions for marine walls, flood-levee protection, water control, chemical containment, soil stabilization, groundwater cut-off, aluminum bridges, gangways, docks and industrial access applications.
Our History
Lumberock® Founded
EPS is founded in the Chicago suburb of Cary, IL. and launches “BearBoard”, the company’s first branded product line, focused primarily on decking applications.
CMI Aquires EPS Portfolio
Perennial Park Products brand is introduced as first furniture offering
EPS moves from Cary, IL to a facility larger in the Chicago Suburb of Elgin, IL
EPS Revolutionizes Composite Decking by developing a proprietary formula that includes specific minerals to provide additional strength and reduce thermal expansion-contraction
EPS introduces its “Lumberock” product line
Lumberock Receives ICC Accreditation
Lumberock Introduces 3 new Vibrant Colors
EPS refocuses its “BearBoard” brand for industrial applications
EPS and its three brands: Lumberock / BearBoard / Perennial Park Products are
acquired by CMI Limited Co.